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Our qualified specialists are dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Thanks to the collaboration between health professionals and med technology, we provide a complex medical examination and an appropriate treatment of the gynaecologic conditions.

Our qualified specialists are dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Thanks to the collaboration between health professionals and med technology, we provide a complex medical examination and an appropriate treatment of the gynaecologic conditions.
Forum Clinic delivers a wide range of gynaecology services that meet the needs of women through all the stages of life:
gynaecologist consultation;
ultrasound diagnostics;
pregnancy planning;
cytological examination and laboratory diagnostics of body fluids;
endometrial biopsy;

The surgical procedures performed at the department include:
removal (excision) of a Bartholin gland cyst;
tubectomy, etc.

A gynaecologist exam is crucial for a woman's health. Even in the absence of complaints, it is necessary to perform an annual health check. This will allow you to identify deviations and get timely and individual most effective programmes. We use effective techniques that help without pain to get rid of dangerous diseases.

For us it is very important to promote women's health by offering them a complete support, empathy and comfort. Our facility is therefore designed to offer a warm and comfortable environment.

Take care of your health! Make an appointment for a routine gyn exam with our gynaecologist!
The doctor you can trust!

  • Ion Adamciuc
    Gynecologist surgeon

  • Mariana Vîrlan
    Gynecologist-oncologist surgeon
    Teaching assistant

  • Veronica Pascari
    Gynecologist surgeon
Сonsultation of a gynaecologist - 550 MDL
Vaginal baths (medicine included) - 150 MDL
Sterile installation - 1000 MDL
Guiding a copper intrauterine device - 1300 MDL
Installation of the hormonal coil "Mirena" - 5500 MDL
Installation of the hormonal coil "Jaydess" - 5500 MDL
Removal of the intrauterine contraceptive - 500 MDL
Instrumental removal of an intrauterine contraceptive - 5300 MDL
Removal of the polyp of the female external genital organs - 800 MDL
Removal of the cervical polyp with curettage of the cervical canal - 5200 MDL
Removal of multiple genital warts - 5000 MDL
Metrosalpingography under ultrasound control ( + general anesthesia 2700 lei) - 6000 MDL
Diathermocoagulation of the cervix - 5000 MDL
Curettage of the uterus with endometrial hyperplasia - 5200 MDL
Curettage of the uterine cavity with spontaneous miscarriage - 5500 MDL
Medical abortion (vacuum aspiration) - 6000 MDL
Medical abortion (+ drugs 400 lei) - 4000 MDL
Medical abortion in case of a frozen pregnancy - 5000 MDL
Medical abortion for pathology of the uterus - 5000 MDL
Electrical dissection of neoplasms - 4000 MDL
Electrical conization of the cervix (LLETZ) - 6800 MDL
Electro dissection of vulvar formations - 2800 MDL
Incision of the abscess of the Bartholin gland - 10000 MDL
Bartholin gland cyst removal - 14000 MDL
Subtotal hysterectomy with/without adnexectomy - 20000 MDL
Total hysterectomy with/without adnexectomy - 22000 MDL
Total transvaginal hysterectomy with plastic surgery of the vaginal walls - 30000 MDL
Operation after Manchester - 28000 MDL
Total hysterectomy with adnexa and omentum resection - 23000 MDL
Myomectomy, 1-3 myomatous nodes - 19500 MDL
Myomectomy, >3 myomatous nodes - 22300 MDL
Unilateral ovarian resection - 17000 MDL
Bilateral ovarian resection - 24000 MDL
Ovarian cystectomy - 17000 MDL
Tubectomy - 17000 MDL
Tubectomy or tubotomy for ectopic pregnancy - 18500 MDL
Plastic surgery of the female external genital organs - 15000 MDL
Plastia vaginului și a perineului cu colpocel și rectocel - 20800 MDL
Vulvectomie totală - 28000 MDL
Hemivulvectomie - 22000 MDL
Sample prelevation - 150 MDL
Biopsy of the cervix, vagina - 600 MDL
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
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All rights reserved.