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Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Our medical team focuses on conditions relating to the ear, nose, and throat as well as related areas of the head and neck.

The services of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology range from consultation to highly complicated surgery, and are available for both children and adults.
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Our medical team focuses on conditions relating to the ear, nose, and throat as well as related areas of the head and neck.

The services of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology range from consultation to highly complicated surgery, and are available for both children and adults.
nose bleed management;
ear treatment (otitis, ear infections);
sinus infection and rhino-sinusitis, including in children;
nasal injuries;
nasal polyps;
nasal obstruction;
smell disorders;
adenoid problems;
tonsillitis (sometimes surgical removal of the tonsils is required, usually in childhood);

During the consultation, the doctor will review the patient health history and any symptoms that they have been experiencing and recommend laboratory investigations that would be helpful in making the best decision about the treatment plan.

Our specialists focus on faster healing and recovery with minimal pain!

In case of need, some surgeries can be performed by a mixed team consisting of maxillofacial surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and plastic surgeons.
The doctor you can trust!

  • Denis Pogorevici

  • Valeriu Fortuna
Сonsultation of an ENT surgeon - 550 MDL
Mechanical stopping of nosebleeds (anterior tamponade of the nasal cavity) - 1500 MDL
Mechanical stopping of nosebleeds (posterior tamponade of the nasopharyngeal cavity and nose) - 7200 MDL
Examination and toilet of the ear using otomicroscopy - 800 MDL
Irrigation therapy for nose and paranasal sinuses - 500 MDL
Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils - 500 MDL
Introduction (instillation, application, cauterization) of drugs in the nasal cavity, pharynx - 500 MDL
Introduction of drugs into the laryngeal cavity - 500 MDL
Puncture of the maxillary sinus - 900 MDL
Puncture of the maxillary sinus with the installation of a catheter into the sinus cavity - 1750 MDL
Lavage of the maxillary sinus through a catheter (postoperative anastomosis) with the introduction of drugs - 550 MDL
Removal of cerumen from the external auditory canal - 500 MDL
Inflating of the middle ear - Politzer maneuver - 200 MDL
Catheterization of the auditory tube with blowing / administering drugs intratubularly - 800 MDL
Ear foreign body removal (local anesthesia) - 1500 MDL
Removal of a foreign body from the nasal cavity (nasopharynx, oropharynx) - 2000 MDL
Removal of a foreign body from the larynx, local anesthesia - 2000 MDL
Dressings change after ENT operations - 500 MDL
Removal of a bleeding nasal septum polyp - 4500 MDL
Incision of a hematoma and/or abscess of the nasal septum - 4500 MDL
Incision and drainage of the nasal furuncle - 3500 MDL
Incision of a paratonsillar abscess - 4000 MDL
Opening the furuncle of the external auditory canal, ear - 4000 MDL
Removal of atheroma of the outer ear and ear region - 9000 MDL
Turbinate resection - 17000 MDL
Submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinate - 4500 MDL
Reposition of the nasal bones (nasal injury less than 7 days old) - 12000 MDL
Reposition of the nasal bones (nasal injury 7 to 20 days old) - 20000 MDL
Christotomy - 14000 MDL
Septoplasty - correction of the curvature of the nasal septum in the bone and cartilaginous regions - 20000 MDL
Repeated septoplasty - 27000 MDL
Choanal polyp removal - 15000 MDL
Adenotomy - 13800 MDL
Adenotonsillotomy - 16300 MDL
Tonsillectomy - 18500 MDL
Adenotonsilloectomy - 20000 MDL
Removal of nasal polyps - 15000 MDL
Electrocoagulation of bleeding vessels of the nasal mucosa - 3500 MDL
Collection of laboratory samples - 150 MDL
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
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