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Treatment of burns in adults
Treatment of burns in adults
Treatment of burns in adults
At Forum Clinic you will receive a revolutionary treatment for burns, which will reduce the risk of
scarring, in an aseptic area, according to the modern requirements!
Burns are among the most common causes of accidents caused by a chemical or physical agent
(hot liquid / vapor / flame / explosion / contact with hot objets / electrocution).
Burns can be very painful and can cause:
redding of the skin;
Treatment of burns in adults
At Forum Clinic you will receive a revolutionary treatment for burns, which will reduce the risk of
scarring, in an aseptic area, according to the modern requirements!
Burns are among the most common causes of accidents caused by a chemical or physical agent
(hot liquid / vapor / flame / explosion / contact with hot objets / electrocution).
Burns can be very painful and can cause:
redding of the skin;
After the patient is hospitalized, the priority will be on:
establishing a multidisciplinary team (plastic surgeon, anesthetist, physiotherapist, psychologist, nurses with experience in pediatric burns treatment);
burn assessment and elaboration of a hydroelectrolytic and acid-base rehabilitation and analgesic therapy;
burn care in aseptic conditions (operating room!), with anesthesia (i.v. sedation, general anesthesia);
escharotomy and fasciotomy, in case of circular and deep burns, compartment syndrome developed;
excision of deep burn areas (first 5 days post-burn) and coverage of the defects.
Consultația primară a medicului combustiolog - 400 lei
Prelucrarea chirurgicală a plăgii leziunii termice < 5% - 380 lei
Prelucrarea chirurgicală a plăgii leziunii termice > 5 % - 750 lei
Injectarea intracicatricială (nu include costul preparatului) - 350 lei
Tratament cu ultrasunet (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 120 lei
Electroforeză medicamentoasă (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 120 lei
Terapie combinată ultrasunet + electroforeză (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 220 lei
Masaj terapeutic a unei regiuni la maturi - 130 lei
Masaj terapeutic a spatelui la maturi - 300 lei
Masaj terapeutic general la maturi - 450 lei
Tratament complex a unei regiuni la maturi (ultrasunet + electroforeză + masaj terapeutic), 10 ședințe - 3900 lei

Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
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