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Treatment of burns in children
Treatment of burns in children
Treatment of burns in children
Burns in children are dangerous because their skin is very sensitive, much thinner, and their
effects on general health can be unforeseeable and rapid. The most common burns are products
of fire and hot liquids.
Any burn that has been caused by hot liquids, by open fire and electric shock should be
considered a medical emergency!
Be sure to call a specialist if your child has suffered a thermal trauma, even it seems to be an insignificant one! Only in this way you will benefit from a prompt and correct treatment, which will
prevent complications, development of deformed scars, with an undesirable aesthetic effect.
Thermal trauma means pain of different intensity. The treatment must be initiated as soon as possible and adapted depending on the evolution of the disease.
Treatment of burns in children
Burns in children are dangerous because their skin is very sensitive, much thinner, and their
effects on general health can be unforeseeable and rapid. The most common burns are products
of fire and hot liquids.
Any burn that has been caused by hot liquids, by open fire and electric shock should be
considered a medical emergency!
Be sure to call a specialist if your child has suffered a thermal trauma, even it seems to be an insignificant one! Only in this way you will benefit from a prompt and correct treatment, which will
prevent complications, development of deformed scars, with an undesirable aesthetic effect.
Thermal trauma means pain of different intensity. The treatment must be initiated as soon as possible and adapted depending on the evolution of the disease.
Until the consultation of a doctor, do not apply creams, ointments or other products on burns !!!
You can put only sterile compresses on the affected area. Don't bandage the wound, because any
movement of the bandage could cause pain to the child.

Before the first aid is given by a doctor, carefully monitor the child. After such incident, some of
them may have febrility or may be a worsening of the general condition, due of pain and fear.

At the same lime, burns are a pathology of major importance in pediatric plastic surgery.

The specificity of reconstructive plastic surgery in children is the choice of the right moment to
perform the surgery. The child's body is growing, and a reconstruction operation performed at an
inappropriate time could be ineffective or could damage even more! That's why, depending on the
type of thermal trauma, the scar and the affected area, the most effective methods of surgical
treatment are chosen. These, in many cases, are preceded or combined with physiotherapeutic
methods (physiotherapy, ultrasound treatment), cicatrix injections with special preparations that
enhance the effect of treatment.
Consultația primară a medicului combustiolog - 550 lei
Prelucrarea chirurgicală a plăgii leziunii termice < 5% - 500 lei
Prelucrarea chirurgicală a plăgii leziunii termice > 5 % - 750 lei
Injectarea intracicatricială (nu include costul preparatului) - 350 lei
Tratament cu ultrasunet (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 120 lei
Electroforeză medicamentoasă (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 120 lei
Terapie combinată ultrasunet + electroforeză (nu include costul medicamentului), 1 ședință - 220 lei
Masaj terapeutic a unei regiuni la copii până la 14 ani - 80 lei
Masaj terapeutic general la copii până la 14 ani - 150 lei
Tratament complex a unei regiuni la copii până la 14 ani (ultrasunet + electroforeză + masaj terapeutic), 10 ședințe - 2800 lei

Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
Phone: +373 22 87 07 07
Phone: +373 60 87 07 08

Address: Gh. Asachi 1 Street, Chișinău
Work Program: 08:00 - 19:00
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